ICHIGO headquarters in Katowice

ICHIGO headquarters in Katowice

Our main office is located in Katowice and it is from here that we coordinate all activities:

  • language courses
  • trips to Japan for tourism and professional purposes
  • business support

Language courses: ICHIGO Sp. z o. o

NIP 9542787946 REGON 369425713 KRS 0000717526
Share capital: PLN 5,000,
District Court Katowice Wschód, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register.

Tours, trade:  ICHIGO Sp. z o. o. Spółka Komandytowa 

ul. Stanisława Moniuszki 7, 40-005 Katowice
KRS 0000720935, REGON 369575246, NIP 9542788940, CEOTiPT 1326
Share capital: PLN 10,000, Katowice East District Court, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register.

Moniuszki 7
40-005 Katowice
Floor 5
Contact form
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National hotline:
Pn.-Pt. 9:00-17:00 PL. For meetings, please make an appointment by phone.

Class dates and locations

By choosing to enroll in our language course, we assure you acombination of efective learning, enjoyment of the process,and fexible collaboration terms. A Japanese course from ICHIGO® has been prepared for interested customers, whichwe also organize in Katowice. Our company's headquarters is located on the 5th floor, in the building at ul. Stanisława Moniuszki 7, so it's easy to find us.

Summer courses

Our summer courses ofer an excellent opportunity to enhance your language skills. Together with additional materials and our own textbook, we conduct lessons for various language groups. Importantly, you can also join classes online so as not to give up previously planned holidays or other trips.

Japanese courses

  • In-person courses

    Our creatively structured classes form a unique aspect of the language learning experience, especially when conducted by experienced teachers. This is exactly what the Japanese course looks like at our company's headquarters in Katowice, where we invite all people interested in taking advantage of this unique opportunity to learn individually or in groups.

  • Online courses

    Our online Japanese course represents an innovative approach to efective language learning, dedicated to people who value conveni and a fexible work schedule. In this way, students can take part in meetings with native speakers from Japan while being in a completely diferent place, e.g. at home, in a cafe, in the countryside and more.

Most often asked questions
How do I enroll in the Japanese language course in Katowice?

Registration for the Japanese course in Katowice takes place all year round via our website. The application form can be found under the "Japanese courses" → "full-time" tab. After selecting the plan you are interested in, click on the "I SELECT" icon, which automatically takes you to the form. We will contact interested parties via the contact details provided in the form.

Where are Japanese language courses held in Katowice?
When are classes held?
Who runs the courses?
Who is the Japanese language course for?
Why is it worth learning Japanese?
Are Japanese language courses ofered online?
What are the opinions of our students?