Update 2.0 - free dates for group classes for people starting education 2021.


This semester has already started with over 400 people studying at ICHIGO® and this is not the end of the recruitment.
Hourly availability is already very limited, but we are actively working to maximize availability.

In case that the following date does not suit someone, please choose a course with your own availability. It happens that the deadlines are slackened by the hour and in such a situation we will be able to contact you quickly.


Current availability

(You can propose your own date by completing the application form):




Plan A Online 

Lessons on Tuesdays, at. 17:50 - 18:50 

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )


Plan B Online 

Lessons on Saturdays, at. 12:40 - 14:10 (90 min)

Starting from October 16 - you can still join the group

( left : 4 places )



Plan A  

Lessons on Fridays, at. 17:30 - 18:30 (60 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )


Plan B 

Lessons on Thursdays, at. 18:30 - 20:00 (90 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )




Plan A 

Lessons on Mondays, at. 17:00 - 18:00 (60 min) 

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 4 places )


Plan B 

Lessons on Mondays, at. 18:00 - 19:30 (90 min) 

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 4 places )




Plan A 

Lessons on Thursdays, at. 16:30 - 17:30 (60 min) 

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )


Plan B

Lessons on Thursdays, at. 16:00 - 17:30 (90 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )



Plan A 

Lessons on Mondays, at. 17:00 - 18:00 (60 min) 

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )


Plan B 

Lessons on Fridays, at. 17:00 - 18:30  (90 min) 

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )



Plan A 

Lessons on Tuesdays, at. 15:55 - 16:55 (60 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )


Plan B 

Lessons on Saturdays, at. 9:25 - 10:55 (90 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 5 places )




Plan A 

Lessons on Tuesdays, at. 15:50 - 16:50 (60 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )


Plan B 

Lessons on Fridays, at. 18:50 - 20:20 (90 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 7 places )



Plan A 

Lessons on Mondays, at. 15:30 - 16:30 (60 min) 

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )


Plan B 

Lessons on Tuesdays, at. 18:25 - 19:55 (90 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )



Plan A 

Lessons on Thursdays, at.16:55 - 17:55 (60 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )


Plan B 

Lessons on Wednesdays, at. 18:30 - 20:00 (90 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )



Plan A 

Lessons on Fridays, at. 15:50 - 16:50 (60 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )


Plan B 

Lessons on Fridays, at. 17:00 - 18:30 (90 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 6 places )



Plan A 

Lessons on Mondays, at. 17:20 - 18:20 (60 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 5 places )


Plan B

Lessons on Mondays, at.  15:45 - 17:15 (90 min)

Lessons will start after the minimum number of participants has been collected

( left : 5 places )


We invite you to send an application for the preferred plan and to mark the availability.
If 2 different plans or forms of lessons are all right for you, then you can add additional comments at the end of the application form.
If none of the above terms suits you, please offer us your availability by sending an application for the course.

Remember that, if necessary, we will also help you choose the right plan and go through the entire process.


See you in class!

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